Buyer’s Agency
Recently the BC Government has put limitations on the previous practice of representing clients in a “Limited Dual Agency” role. In the previous system of real estate agent representation, an agent could represent both parties in a purchase under certain conditions. That ability has been severely restricted now and the reality is most purchasers will need to have their own personal representation. A purchaser can still have a Seller’s Agent refer an agent for the buyer, but at Maude, MacKay & Co. Ltd., we feel that it is best to have your own Buyer’s Agent. Since the seller is paying the commission, we feel that having your own Buyer’s Agent is usually the prudent thing to do.
At Maude, MacKay & Co. Ltd., we have agents who specialize as Buyer’s Agents. How do you “specialize” in this type of service you might ask. You need an overall knowledge of the region when a client is not necessarily looking at just one area, which is often the case. You also need to be able to service a variety of clients looking at a variety of areas. Many agents specialize in a particular area but don’t have knowledge of the entire region. Due to our small agency status, we have gained that knowledge through years of experience throughout the region.
If you would like to know more, please go to .
We would be glad to be of service.

Know the Market before You Buy
The asking prices of most homes on the market indicate the current state of the market, and usually mirror the prices for which other similar homes in the area have recently sold. In deciding upon a selling price, a home-seller must establish a balance between the desire to draw the highest offer and finding a price that will be reasonable enough to attract an appropriate pool of prospects, and competitive offers. While most selling agents counsel their clients to consider this equation when pricing their home, keep in mind that some homes are not properly priced. READ MORE

Stop Paying Your Landlord!: Own Your Own Home
The thousands of dollars in rent you’ve already paid to your landlord may be a staggering figure—one you don’t even want to think about. Buying a house just isn’t possible for you right now. And it isn’t in your financial cards for the foreseeable future. Or is it? The situation is common and widespread: countless people feel trapped in home rental, pouring thousands of dollars into a place that will never be their own—yet they think they’re unable to produce a down payment for a home in order to escape this rental cycle. However, putting the buying process into motion isn’t nearly as impossible as it may seem. No matter how dire you believe your financial situation to be, there are several little-known facts that may be key to helping you step from a renter’s rut to home-owning paradise! READ MORE

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Home
You’ve been saving for awhile, weighing your options, looking around casually. Now you’ve finally decided to do it—you’re ready to buy a house. The process of buying a new home can be incredibly exciting, yet stressful, all at once. Where do you start?
It is essential you do your homework before you begin. Learn from the experiences of others, do some research. Of course, with so many details involved, slip-ups are inevitable. But be careful: learning from your mistakes may prove costly. Use the following list of pitfalls as a guide to help you avoid the most common mistakes.
1. Searching for houses without getting pre-approved by a lender:

Tips for the Moving Process
It’s official: you’ve signed the papers, dotted all the i’s and crossed the t’s—you own a new home! You’ve almost reached the end of your journey. However, now, faced with the daunting task of moving, it may seem as though the journey has just begun. Moving can be a time-consuming and stressful experience if you let yourself be overwhelmed by the job. Remember, though, having a successful move means taking care of the details, one by one. If you break the process down into steps and arrange your time accordingly, you can make it manageable. Use the following checklist to ensure you’re covering all the bases, and you will be well on your way to a successful move! READ MORE